What the heck it is? Ok! First, what and who is Ideaspace? Ideaspace is... just read it here: http://bit.ly/1pbmB5J. To cut is short, they are incubator, they help start-up to grow into a business and they got tons of money - that is why they're non-PROFIT.
Technoprenuer Bootcamp is their way to bring down to grassroots level their advocacy of technopreneurship, collaborative participation, and innovation. That is why they're here, disturbing the simple way of Boholanos and giving us the opportunities.
The event is on September 29, 2014, Monday at JJ's Seafood Village 8am-5pm. If you attend then you need to absent. It's worth the effort anyway. Free foods and bunch of stuff.
How to enter? See the image below: